Inclusion elevates all – Elaine Hall The India Inclusion Audit conducted by the Together magazine in the month of November-December 2022 throws new light on how diverse political views and ideas can lead to excluding behaviours in our society. 15% of the respondents felt that they have been excluded or sidelined because of their political stand which is based on the political ideology that they believe in. In the survey, exclusion due to political views and beliefs stands fourth right after religion (31.9%), gender (17.8%), economic class and language (both ranked at 16.7%). At the heart of every good democracy is the ability to discuss, agree, disagree , ‘agree to disagree’ and to dissent in a civilized manner. And at the heart of every elevating political discussion or conversation is the ability to have diverse views and engage with them effectively and inclusively. Without the co-existence of these two parameters, democracy as an institution falls short considerably. I...
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